Sunday 29 July 2018

The Biologis Putrifier: an odyssey in frustration

"At some point, you really just have to finish your work and release it as is-if only so you can go on and make other things with a glad and determined heart."

- Elizabeth Gilbert

I have a confession. I really didn't have fun painting this model. It started fine, but as soon as I got to those bloody blight racks...

I tried to be clever was the problem. I wanted to do the bottles as clear with liquid sloshing about in them, as a lot of people have. It didn't work. At first I thought it was my paint job so I refined it. It looked worse. 

I didn't touch the model for a couple of months after that, except to play some games. And then a couple of days ago, I hit on the answer: the clear bottles just didn't work with my very dirty aesthetic. Not at all. What I needed was simply corroded brass bottles to fit the rest of my collection. But I dithered, because I spent a while on the clear bottles. 

Then I thought oh screw it. I went t the model with wild abandon. I won't lie, I rushed it, then trusted Agrax Earthshade and blood-grime to hide a multitude of sins. 

He looks... okay. I'm happy with him. Not my best piece. But sometimes the lesson is: if a model's causing you problems, just hammer it out and move on. I feel much better for doing so!

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