Monday 11 February 2019

Of Gods, machines and monsters

I love the new Adeptus Titanicus game. It's engaging, intuitive, immersive and makes the player think. My only real issue with it is that it is set in the somewhat restrictive Horus Heresy era. But that's okay: my friends and I just decided that our games would be set in 40k!

Of course, there was one slight problem, that being that the Chaos Titans looked very much the same as the loyalist ones. Not one to be daunted by that, I set to work. My loyalists are of a yet-unnamed legion, but the Chaos battlegroup was created to fit in with my 40k Nurgle collection. Evidentally, Lord Eiterfex has decided to roll out the big guns. 

As with all of my Nurgle gribblers, this was quite easy. I converted the Titans with leftover bits from Great Unclean Ones and assorted other Nurgle kits. The Warlord's horn is, if I recall correctly, a spare from a Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Warrior Chariot. 

The nasty flesh-vines you can see growing out of the Nurgle Titans is just Woodlands Scenics foliage glued firmly down and painted. 

Now, I wanted to give a real sense of scale to these models. Those little trees you can see on the Warlord's base are from a new company called Eve of Battle Scenics, who were very helpful and quick. 

The service roads you can see are literally just 2mm thick MDF strips with the edges beveled off. The chainlink fencing was a tad more tricky, but not difficult: the posts are paperclips cut down and inserted onto the base with holes I drilled out. The fence itself is from modeling mesh that's cheaply available on Ebay cut down to size with scissors. 

A couple of the close combat weapons have jagged wire wrapped around them. Again, just modeling barb wire available from Ebay. 

I hope that they ultimately decide to move this away from HH. They have a great game with excellent models. I think it had way more potential than they might currently think!

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