
Saturday, 25 August 2018

Brother Agueon, the invasive toxin

In another life, Brother Agueon functioned as an advance vanguard agent, spying out the land for Mortarion's advancing legion. After the Horus Heresy, Agueon's penchant for roaming ahead and making observations has remained. Oftentimes, Lord Eiterfex sends Agueon ahead to land on a world unobserved before the Synod of Suffering arrives. The clouds of unnatural flies which surround him function as unnoticed eyes and ears for Agueon, flying behind enemy lines and observing field dispositions. And thus when Eiterfex arrives, the enemy find themselves inexplicably outmanoeuvred, their weakness and strongpoints unaccountably compromised. In these desperate moments, the defenders rarely notice the strange, buzzing laughter drifting on the wind... 

Ah, it's good to be back on the Nurgle! I took some time to do other things of late, but I felt the need for the gribblers again! And on Thursday evening this idea came to me whilst I rummaged through my bitz box. It's a really simple conversion but I think it works.

The body is simply a plague Marine from the Plague Marines box set - specifically the one who carries the flail. I cut down the flail end and replaced it with the axehead from the WB plaguelord, whose body I used for the Banegor. This made a nice plague cleaver. 

Now, I'd managed to either mislay or use the backpack elsewhere, so I co-opted an old Dark Vengeance backpack. Still, I wanted to Nurgle-ise it, which is where I got the idea for the flies. I thiiiiink that these flies were from Typhus before they got into my bitz box. I pinned them into place with the end emerging from the backpack's vent. 

Finally, it was time was the head. I took the snarling head from a Dark Imperium Plague Marine, which I feel is one of the nicer components, very aggressive and Nurgle-oid. 

And there we have it! A nice, ten minute conversion to add a bit of spice to the force!

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