
Saturday, 28 April 2018

Stynvor Blodfodt, the Priest of Slaughter

A couple of years back, Games Workshop realised the almost bewildering folly they'd committed by making White Dwarf a weekly magazine, and rebooted the monthly format. It was much better. The first issue contained a free miniature, the Khorne Slaughterpriest. An imposing model, usually costed at £13.50 from resellers or £18 with the GW premium for £4.99. I purchased it immediately!

Obviously, I wasn't going to use it for AoS, a system I don't play. But with a few quick changes and a sensible colour scheme, I imagined he could repurposed as a WFB character. Hi hulking stature was not an issue: I could easily have him as a freakishly big brute, concerned only with violence an slaughter. The character I had in mind was Fenris the Feared from Joe Abercrombie's First Law novels. Thus Stynvor Blodfodt was born.

First thing I did was fit him onto a square base. The morning-star type weapon looked a bit off to me, so I removed that and instead added the hapless Empire State Troop from the Ogre Kingdoms Stonehorn sprue. I forget where the head came from, but any suitably haggard head would do. I built his hair up with green stuff, and sawed a portion of his throat away. When painting the piece, I made sure to have arterial blood pouring from that removed section and correspondingly from Stynvor's blade, to signify a battlefield sacrifice.

I made the base very rocky with shale, green crystals and snow flock. I spattered some Blood for the Blood God to create blood in the snow. I envision this as the result of a disastrous Empire campaign into the far north which has led to the Empire's army being either destroyed or sent packing.

The above is a page draft from my Warhammer: Age of Rebuilding project. It needs tidying up and editing. Obviously only for narrative game use. 

I'm hoping to properly crack on with this project in the near future.

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