
Saturday, 28 April 2018


I'm back!

You might have noticed that I've been away for a bit. Specifically, I was sitting at the end of a Norwegian fjord. I was staying in a wooden cabin in a place called Ovre Eidfjord. No internet, no television, and I turned my phone off for the majority of it.

I needed a holiday, I think. My life's been very kind to me recently - working at the University continues to be far more fulfilling than my years in the private sector. But there were a few things I needed to rinse out of my head. A few months ago, for example, a dear friend of many years had an abhorrent change of personality and subsequently ghosted me. I cannot account for it, but I think that accepting that disturbing truth fully required some time away. After a spate of ill-health, I was also worried about whether I was even capable of my old hiking holidays. I was, and I feel massive relief because of that!

I'm looking forward to returning to work on Monday - we're in prospectus editing season, and that always feels like a good time to be there - it's energising to know that your actions will help people get educated and thus improve the world.

But this is a hobby blog, so you probably want to know what this has to do with anything. The truth is, spending some time away has helped me to recharge my hobby inspiration, and clarify my various hobby projects. There are three main items I hope to be sharing over the coming months: 

  • Continue to expand the Nurgle project
  • Get my act together and properly sort out Age of Rebuilding, my Warhammer Fantasy alternate timeline where the world survived
  • Properly get my Warhammer Fantasy naval spinoff, provisionally named Boathammer off the ground
So, a lot to be get on with. But I'm fresh, I have some new ideas and I'm looking forward to it. Watch this space!

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