
Sunday, 25 March 2018

Painting the Synod of Suffering

I've had a surprising number of messages about this, which was pleasing. I came up with this scheme because I don't much care for Nurgle being green. Green is Orcs and Wood Elves to me. I wanted something horrid and industrial, degraded and corroded. I thought I'd do a quick guide to show just how easy it is. Please be aware that I tend to paint all base areas and then all inks etc. The images are presented in that order, though the bullet point don't always line up 100%.

1. Pick a model

Pretty obvious.

2. Basecoat

Spray paint Chaos Black. When that's dry, give it a second coat with Leadbelcher spray.

3. Corrosion

Paint the model - using the most knackered old brush you have - with Typhus Corrosion. If you want, ignore the cloth and guns, but it doesn't matter much either way. Leave this to dry thoroughly.

4. Rust that joker

Drybrush all over with a selection of browns and oranges. I've tended to use  Squig Orange, Fire Dragon Bright and Mournfang Brown, but you can select tones based on how bright you want it.

5. Flesh

Base flesh areas Bugman's Glow. Then wash Reikland Fleshshade. Finally, drybrush Cadian Fleshtone. If it's a large area, a light drybrush of Kislev Flesh helps too.

6. Cloth

Base cloth areas in Administratum Grey. Then do a layer of White Scar onto all but the lowest areas. Then wash with Agrax Earthshade (don't worry if it's a bit sloppy and uneven, that's fine).

7. Horns, hooves and so on

Base with something like XV88 or Zandri Dust, then add a layer of Karak Stone. Then add a wash of Agrax Earthshade for tone.

8. Guns

Base in Balthasar gold. Then it's a simple case of washing in Agrax and finishing up with some verdigris. Use Nihilak Oxide. I'd spread it around without fussing too much, then use some tissue to pull most of the liquid back off. This should leave the verdigris nicely collecting in the recesses.

9. Blood and pus smears

The blood smears are a mix of Abaddon Black and Blood for the Blood God. The exact mix depends on how stale you want it to look. I then paint it on so that it's oozing from eye slits, joints and corroded areas. Around the tentacles and horns, I found it best to coat the entire area and then wipe the majority off with a finger or tissue - like a reverse drybrush. The manky green pus or bile or whatever it is stains are Nurgle's Rot, dabbed onto cloth areas and running from random joints.

10: Base

Start off with the usually: PVA some sand down. When that's dry, drybrush a shade of orange (whichever you fancy), then drybrush Karak Stone over that. Dessicated yellow static grass can be glued down in patches for a wasteland effect.

An there we are! Easy. Some models have tubes and random other bits, but that's personal choice.

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