I do rather like the new Knight Armiger. I like all Knights, as long as they're in plastic and not a tricksy Forgeworld kit made of resin that will warp when you look at it! I'm very pleased that the Knights are being expanded. Knight Armigers, of course, are a big part of that.
I like that their general outline an conception seems to be a nod to the older Epic Knights, or the Knights described in Graham McNeill's Mechanicum.
I didn't the model, but I did want to have a word about the base. This is a nice, soli model with very little space used up on the bae - a perfect opportunity to muck about with a bit of literal world-building. A nice base can really help a model to tell a story.
People who have seen my projects before will know that my collection often seems to suggest that my brain is the location of a triple threat match between John Blanche, H P Lovecraft and David Cronenberg, so for this I wanted to do something a little different, something which channels my WFB roots.
First up was the base. Creating the brook and the pool were dead easy: apply PVA to the base everywhere that you don't want the water to be, and add your sand. When that's done, apply another layer of PVA to the water areas, just to slightly smooth the dimples you'll get on Citadel bases. Then paint and drybrush your base as normal.
Now, the forest floor type base looks like I've done something clever, but I haven't. The key here is to just cast about for different basing materials. the rocks are just small lumps of washed slate. Those long flowers you can see down by the water are from strips of model rail flowers. Similarly, the foliage is a mixture of static grass, flock, leaf mulch and forest scatter available from vendors like War World Scenics. These sort of products can produce a wide range of effects and are significantly cheaper than GW might have prepared us for!
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