
Monday, 15 January 2018

The problem of Eldar

This is a bit off topic, but the appearance of Craftworld Eldar has always bothered me. The lore has always gushed about how they're so graceful and beautiful and intelligent and so on and so on.

So how come the models never looked like that? Chunky, bulky sculpts, ugly knobbly armour, disparate designs which when brought together look bland and toyish. The second release of Dark Eldar and Harlequins made them an embarrassment. I decided that I had to try to do something about it.

My first task was to find a body which actually fitted all of the rhetoric, and the body of a Wood Elf Eternal Guard seemed to work well. I then added a shuriken catapult and arms from a Dire Avenger. I was going to add a Dire Avenger head, but when lining the component up I realised that it was comically oversized. Instead, I removed the spikes from the head of a Dark Eldar Kabalite and used this. Finally, I mounted the model on a resin Eldar base which can easily be found on ebay.

I think the result looks far more like what an Eldar should be!

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