
Tuesday, 16 January 2018

The Pestigor are back!

I have a peculiar admission to make: when the Death Guard Codex came out, I was perversely pleased that it didn't have Pestigors in it despite the fact that I wanted them. My reason for thinking that they might be in there was the presence of Tzaangor in the Thousand Sons army. In the end, of course, GW decided to have Poxwalkers as their fruity troop choice, which was fine. It was also fine because I'd already made this one and didn't want my work surpassed!

Making him was surprisingly easy when I got my head around the idea that I shouldn't base it on a Beastman. You can add all sorts of manky bits to a Gor, but you're really just creating work for yourself. Instead, I based him on one of the Plaguebearers who rides the Rot Flies in the Plague Drone kit. I never mount those Plaguebearers because I think that the Rot Flies look vastly more threatening without them. I removed the legs, and at the same time removed the legs from a Gor. It's worth mentioning that the legs of the Gor will not be going under the body but on either side of the gut. I pinned the legs in place to stop them flopping about and then filled the gaps with liquid green stuff. I left this to set before adding the rest.

The left arm was easy: that was just the arm from the same kit as the body. The right arm was easily made from a Gor arm with a sword from the Plague Drones kit. And the head is just a Gor champion head with an extra horn added!

Now I just need to make six more...

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