Wednesday, 6 April 2022

I like Orks!

 Orks are cool. I tried to start an Ork army about eight times over the years, but I could never get on with the models for the Boyz. But the new models have changed that. So here are some Orks!


Unknown said...

It's good to see you back. I still look forward to the next age of rebuilding story.

Unknown said...

It's good to see you back. Are there still plans to continue the Age of Rebuilding storyline? If so I look forward to the next release.

Positive Oldhammer chap said...

Yes mate! Apologies, I've been all over the place for about a year. My father died and I had to sort out his estate, then my mother got cancer... twice... aaaand just for laughs I'd got 90% through two new Age of Rebuilding chapters and then I got hit by a virus which wiped out both my laptop and somehow the OneDrive backup as well. Luckily most of it was also on a backup G drive, but the two chapters I'd almost finished were just... lost for good. I just couldn't face it for a while after that. Buuut, literally today I've started up again. Can't promise they'll come out as often as before, but I'm glad you're interested and want to carry it on!