Tuesday, 2 June 2020

The Silence of the Matt

With all the horrible, tragic things going on in the world, anyone reading this would be forgiven for thinking that something happened to me, or that I was incredibly depressed about everything. The truth is a bit more prosaic!

I'm working from home, which is... fine. It's okay. It is a little taxing, but not too bad. I'm lucky to have the job I do. But when I reached the end of Altdorf, there was a degree of emotional exhaustion. I'd written three Age of Rebuilding chapters in a row and I'd finally reached a sort of natural 'end of season one' type conclusion. A break has been required.

But mostly? I'm too bloody hot. I live in a solid Victorian pile which retains heat like mad. I am not a heat person, as this photo of me laying in the snow on an Austrian mountain in my T-shirt like an utter tit will prove:

Seriously, I just become a dazed mess in the heat. As I write this, both of my bedroom windows are cranked open, there are two annoyingly expensive fans pointed at me and I'M STILL TOO HOT.

Point is, more interesting posts will return soon. In the meantime, let's hope that by my next post the world will be a safe and just place for all peoples.


warpaintjj said...

Stay cool old chum.
Get painting & enjoy the Victoriana.
best wishes,

Positive Oldhammer chap said...

Thanks man!