
Thursday, 25 June 2020

King Folca of Rohan

It's still too hot. And I miss travelling.

So I've been thinking about places with soaring snow-clad mountains. Rohan!

The new King Theodon model is a lovely sculpt. But all all of the Middle Earth range, it suffers from being tied to a film. And a colour scheme that looks good on an actor might not look great on a 25mm scale model.

So I gave him a different colour scheme. And at first I thought 'well, that's fine then'. But I primarily come at this hobby from a narrative perspective, so I decided he should be a past king of Rohan. 

I knew it shoud be a king from Rohan's second royal line (to explain why he looks like Theodon). Off the top of my head I can't rememeber if the Rohirrim kings carried Herugrim since the days of Eorl, which was another reason to play safe and have it be a second line king. I went with King Folca because he has a cool name and a cool story: he went about, Sigmar-esque, hunting down all the Orcs in the Riddermark. 

Also, I didn't want to choose Fengel (he was a tool) or Thengel (he spent half his life in Gondor, which is very open minded but not quite as Rohan-y). So it was a choice between Folca and Folcwine. I like the name Folca better. 

Forth Eorlingas and so on. 

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