
Sunday, 7 April 2019

Bringers of various undesirable things

I've been tidying up some of my half-finished or incompetently finished models recently, and I found these two Heralds. The Poxbringer model was sitting there with a basecoat on looking sad. I've only included him here because I finally bothered to finish him.

The other one is a conversion I actually did in about 2012, when I first got into 40khaos. But I'd painted him in a bit of a silly way, and given him one of the godawful blueish bases I was inexplicably enamoured with once.

Anyway, even back then I leaned towards Nurgle. I had some Plague Drones because I love the Rot Flies. This being said, I've always thought they look about eight times as scary without some grinning joker sitting on the back of them, which means that I've always ended up with the riders spare. On a whim one day, I decided to create some suitably grub-tastic Herald with one of them. Originally, I had this idea of him riding a kneeling Guardsman around, inspired by that old-school story of the Bretonnian widow who prays to Nurgle to kill her husband and ends up being ridden about by a mass of worms (it's called something like 'The widow of Remy Brousse'). Anyway, that plan fell down because Guardsmen simply aren't big enough.

So instead, I decided to have two Guardsmen fused together through some hellish rot-magic, forming one miserable conjoined mount for him. It's literally just two Cadians with their heads and arms removed, joined by a fleshy cable of green stuff. On top of that is the most imposing of the Plague Drone riders, pretty much out of the box. At this point I realised he would need a 40mm base, but said base seemed a bit too big. Hence the two plague zombies in front of him. These two unlucky fellows are Guardsmen with their heads swapped for Deathsheads from the Plague Drone kits. Their hands have been replaced with outstretched hands from the Crypt Ghouls kit.

Really simply conversion, but it made me happy! The other bloke was fun to paint too:

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