
Friday, 3 August 2018

Matt is the liberal under the bed

Hey there! Matt here. Matt the copywriter and photographer from Berkshire, England. Not Matt in hobby mode.

I don't want to bring politics into this blog. I've had lovely hobby chats with people totally on the opposite side of the political spectrum to me. We can disagree on things, people. That's absolutely fine. But let's get something clear.

I'm a moderate left-leaning liberal. I believe in a civil society. I oppose misogyny, racism, homophobia, nationalism, all of that. I'm also bisexual, as if I wasn't already scary enough.

These things don't matter to this blog or to our hobby. But I've seen some wildly unaware comments on my work today, and received a message from a guy congratulating me on 'sticking it to the libtards'.

Politics is unimportant to this blog, as I mentioned. My hobby is largely just artistic, with the odd game thrown in.  I absolutely will not stand for any suggestion that my hobby is being used to convey some kind of regressive message. This is not my intent, nor should it ever be taken as such.

Update: I've left the Facebook group where these comments appeared. Eventually, an admin stepped in and removed my original post. Given the shocking reactions, I support this. However, this triggered some extremely odd reactions from some quarters. Ultimately, I decided that I didn't want to be even peripherally associated with some of the very nasty behaviour I was seeing. My hobby is done for me, not for random Facebook groups.

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