
Friday, 8 June 2018

Unleash the Eversor!

Here's the thing about the Eversor Assassin: the lore and the model have never married up. In the background, the Eversor is your worst nightmare: a deranged, gene-bulked monster who was a psychopath before the psychological programming. This thing will murder everything in its path. It will not stop, it will not even slow down.

And yet... the model is a rather tame looking fellow in a bodyglove with an inanely grinning skull mask. This did not conjure images of a violently deranged living weapon that has to be kept sedated until its deployment pod is launched. I decided I had to have a crack.

The first thing I decided was that he should have a massive, brute musculature, the uglier and roidy-er the better. I decided to use the torso and arms of the Ghoul King from the Terrorgheist kit. Not only is it horribly muscled, the long claws seemed suitable too.

My image of an Eversor is that its always running flat out, in a jerky, enraged, 28 Days Later-esque way. So I sawed the torso off of the lower body and attached a pair of running Scion (they'll always b Stormtroopers to me dammit) legs. Next, I thought about his needle weapon. I didn't like the idea of him carrying things, so I decided it would be sutured to his arm and activated by neural pulses. I used a proddy component from the Onager Dunecrawler as the needle, attaching it to the back half of a Skitarii pistol. Then gluing it onto his arm was easy.

The head was easy: a random Forgeworld servo-skull pinned onto his shoulders got the job done. I added some trophies to his belt, skulls suspended by jeweller's chain. I don't think he would collect them for prizes: more likely they're to inspire more terror. This was all easy. The bigger task was going to be achieving the right sense of motion.

I wanted him at a tilt, leaping, charging, bounding. I got an offcut of Cities of Death terrain and pinned him onto it at an angle, to give the impression of him leaping over it or pushing off. But the base looked a bit bare by then. I added a small, rusting fence made from model barbed wire, mesh and a spare bit of plastic. This helped to build the idea of a gloomy, industrial world around him, and by implication suggest that fences and wire won't stop him.

I was pretty pleased overall. He certainly looks more like the nightmare assassin-thing than the official model to me!