
Thursday, 21 June 2018

The Good Doktor

Despite his frightening appearance, Doktor Clademann is a very kind and compassionate man. A gifted expert in pathogens and virology, Clademann travels to plague-ridden worlds with Imperial relief efforts and works with unusual intensity to save ailing citizens. Over the years, Clademann has developed a bitter enmity towards the Plague God Nurgle. Although not primarily a fighter, Doktor Clademann has become a persistent irritant to Lord Eiterfex. Whether this will shorten his career remains to be seen...

I wanted this character to look really ghoulish, whilst being a nice man. The oddity of 40k: men who look like monsters but are heroes. I started with the Cairn Wraith, because that's where most conversions seem to. I sawed a plague-doktor-esque head from a chaos cultist and trimmed it down. With a bit of fiddling, this fitted nicely into his cowl.

The left arm was made from a Magos Dominus arm and a Skaven clanrat's big kitchen knife. This made a reasonably nice bonesaw. The right arm was a similar piece, made with the hand from a Dark Eldar Haemonculus.

The trunk of his body was a random Adeptus Mechanicus component trimmed down to fit. His reaching mechadendrite with the claw, the pack hanging from his back and the funky bionics on his back are all from a Tech Priest Dominus. The other mechadendrite is the majority o a servo skull (the Scions one I think). I added the censer from the servo skull to his back, the idea being that it constantly burns holy incense in diseased places to alleviate suffering and ward of spiritual malaise.

The piece was finished by the long, curling mechadendrite he's balanced on, which is also from the Haemonculus. I then put a purity seal on just to remind people that he's Imperial, and he was good to go!

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