
Sunday, 4 March 2018

The Nurglings are revolting!

A pack of Nurglings saw my Knight. They wanted one of their own.

This was such an easy conversion. I was a bit knackered from the Knight and wanted to do something a bit silly. So, the base was an incomplete dreadnought from my bits box. I was missing the shinguards so I replaced them with some of the spare chest plates from the Plague Marines kit. The helmet from the sarcophagus had gone walkabout somewhere, which saved me from removing it. Instead, I put the Nurgling head from the Maggoth kit in there. I drilled a few corrosion holes in the hull. Lastly for the body, I was missed the backplate. I therefore built up a bit of green stuff around the hole in the back and had a random zombie arm emerging - the corpse of the Imperial hero whose final resting place has been so rudely hijacked. 

Now, I wanted there to be a Nurgling in charge - specifically the sword-wielder from the Great Unclean One kit. I wanted him to have a vastly overblown throne to stand on. I salvaged a hull part from an Ork Trukk from my bitz and pinned it to the top of the hull, and then created a gantry from a second piece. A Nurgle icon from the Plaguebearers kit helped to give it some body. Then I added the Nurglings, using very specifically Nurglings with open hands. Into these I threaded garden string to form the big grisly cables which would move the limbs. I added similar strings to the sarcophagus and winding down to the legs, to give the impression of the pilot pulling on them. 

It was looking very tall and a bit thin, so I decided to add another hare-brained device on the base. I got a spare Blight Launcher and removed the Plague Marine's hand. Then I glued a Nurgling on top as if it were his palanquin. I put the Cheeky Nurgling at the back, holing it up with his feet. At the front I got the one from the Plaguebearers kit who is waving his hands about. I had to cut the hands off and reverse their direction, then glued them so as to have them hold the strange contraption up.

I chose to paint it as an Imperial Fist dreadnought because my army is a bit... manky. I thought a splash of colour was in order!

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