
Thursday, 8 February 2018

The Taskmaster

Brother Ammonias Cystor was, in another life, a trainer of recruits in the Death Guard legion. A hundred centuries and an eternity of madness later, Cystor is a ruthless Taskmaster of the disease factories controlled by the Synod of Suffering, working a thousand generations of slaves to death. As time has passed, Cystor has slowly burst out of his armour. A third arm has grown from his shoulder even as the original limb withered away. True to his nature, this arm has grown into a lashing tentacle, a cruel lash which has tasted the blood of uncounted slaves. In battle, Cystor uses the same limb to lash hordes of diseases slaves and cultists into the mouths of the enemy's guns. 

This was one of the easiest conversions ever! I'd been constructing a conversion of a Plague Marine riding a Rot Fly (more on this later) and this left me with the bottom half of a Plague Marine and an unused Blightking from the Pusgoyle kit. With a bit of trimming, the Blightking torso fitted nicely onto the Plague Marine legs. It was a bit big and needed some filling with green stuff, but it gave a nice mutated look.

The boltgun was easy too: the Blightking's wrist can be fitted to one of the Boltgun hands from the Plague Marines kit by just trimming off the tag on the arm and cutting the back of the hand down a bit. I pinned it in place just to be sure.

The shoulder pads, backpack and head were all spares from the Plague Marines kit. The only slight issue was the head, which had to be pinned in place and then have a neck built up with green stuff. Overall, though - about an hour if that for an interesting and different character!

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