
Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Magos Langyll, the Innovator of Rust

When Belisarius Cawl fell to Chaos, he did not go alone into damnation. Whole macro-maniples of Skitarii and other Mechanicus warriors fell. Quickest to embrace the power of Nurgle was Ingogen Langyll, Cawl's right hand man.

Cawl himself may be given some meagre credit inasmuch as his intent may have been noble in the beginning. His monstrous Primaris experiments, his blasphemous plans to capture the Eye of Terror and the lunacy of even suggesting he could resurrect a primarch were at least originally intended as plans to help the Imperium.

No such doubts exist with Langyll. Where Cawl had raged at the perceived blindness of the Imperium and its condemnations, Langyll was dismissive and without regret turned his attention to the saving of his various materials and experiments.

Langyll had been carrying out highly unethical experiments for centuries. He sought ways to marry flesh, machine and the power of the warp in new and bold ways. The man had no loyalty, no humanity and no real allegiance beyond a commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. What a man of this disposition might yet achieve in the dungeons of the Plague Planet remain to be seen. 

Langyll embraced the power of Nurgle completely and without any sign of regret, quickly becoming fascinated with the seeming contradiction of his new patron's focus on decay and resilience. Motivated by this morbid fascination, Langyll has begun to experiment once more, and in deep dungeons of screams an despair, strange shapes lurch into unclean life...

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