But nothing seems to keep the Wolf of Sigmar down for long. Of course, he’s now in a city filled with evil dwarfs who want to torture him until they figure out what makes him tick. This should go well…
Read what Valten's up to
Read what Valten's up to
This is the first of my ‘interlude’ supplements. The plan is to do these between those bigger supplements which take a long while. ‘Thunder over Nuln’ is taking a while, so I thought it was time to catch up with the man who just won’t stay dead.
Note: Valten’s peculiar condition will be familiar to some readers of Black Library novels. However, even the most eager consumer of lore will be slightly bewildered to that Valten has this unusual gift. This is entirely my invention. I’ve never wanted to decanonise the Storm of Chaos, which is why Age of Rebuilding is peppered with references to the invasion of ‘Surtha Lenk, the False Archaon’. When debating how to account for the fact that Valten has apparently died twice, I decided to embrace it.
Veteran readers may smile at the return of another badass of yesteryear, who finds himself debilitated in a way that deviates from the original lore. You’ll understand when you come to it. This apparent contradiction is because unlike the Storm of Chaos, this character’s two timelines were not possible to blend. So instead, I retconned one and decided to retell the other one in a slightly different form.